These are the things I gathered around Sendai City or
Miyagi pref. area. I put sentences connected with wish with them.
They are;
"Wishes fall and lie thick on the earth like leaves." with leaves gathered
on Aoba Street.
"Wishes gather together and become a big stream." with stones picked up
in upper reaches of Hirose River
"Wishes come out again even if they have vanished away in the sands."
with sands brought from Nobiru Beach.
"Wishes are cherished just as shells are picked one after another on the
beach." with shells picked up on the beach of the Urato Islands.
"It is wishes that bear fruits in the mountains. " with nuts or seeds
gathered in suburbs of Sendai.
"One more wish even in a short peaceful time when the rice is being cocked."
with rice from Miyagi Pref.
Thanks to the help of my wonderful acquaintances, sentences are translated
into 12 kinds of languages; Arabic, Welsh, English, Dutch, Chinese, German,
Hungul, French, Bulgarian, Polish, Portuguese, Mongolian.
photos in Japanses pages